In the summer of 2000, an intimate and inspired group of friends began monthly pool parties in the Vinings area. Typically consisting of 12-14 regular couples, the parties grew to add 1 or 2 new couples each month. Quickly, we discovered chemistry was much more critical than the size of the crowd. However, as these parties rapidly expanded in popularity, we outgrew the original facilities and ventured to private event rooms.

By 2002 we noticed an influx of upscale couples' parties popping up in Miami, New York, LA, Dallas, San Francisco and other metropolitan cities. After traveling to many of these parties (yes, research is grueling), we knew that Atlanta was full of equally beautiful, sexy people. Our clear choice was to unleash Luxuria to the club level. We are now averaging between 200 and 300 people per party.

"Sensuality and freedom have never frolicked in a more perfect arena."


Forget diamonds, Luxuria is a girl's best friend. Women show off their most provocative self, indulging their curiosities with abandon. All sans the unwanted advances and hassles from the prowling of predatory single men. The men of Luxuria are expected to be appreciative and polite, eternally observing that respect for female guests is the predominant rule.


Our private parties are hosted in Atlanta's most prestigious, trendiest nightclubs, restaurants and hotel ballrooms. Event details are available only to those requesting and being approved for a personal invitation and VIP status . Once selected, VIP guests will receive invitations to future private events and will earn priority status on guest lists at open-invitation events.



Luxuria guests are distinctively chosen. Couples and females are selected for their appearance and personality. Guests are attractive, respectful, discrete, confident, open-minded professionals ranging in age from mature 20s to startlingly well-preserved 40s. Rude, obnoxious or excessively inebriated guests will be asked to leave and face possible banning from future parties.


Blur the coy line between elegance, fetish and eroticism. Thigh high boots gathering dust? Micro-mini needs a night out? Get playful and freely wear what is so evilly shunned in the dreaded mainstream.


Of course, unless you have a burning desire to meet an Atlanta police officer, ladies, please wear a cover-up if necessary when entering and exiting events hosted at public venues.


Gentlemen think metro sexual - Armani, Versace, Prada, oh my. The mere absence of Herb from IT, should clue you in that this is not casual Friday. Leave the khakis for mixers at your Great Aunt's house.


Luxuria does throw some lovely theme parties. Costumes are not mandatory, though they are highly encouraged and frankly, fun. Luxuria proves one can be both profoundly metro and pithy.

Opening Hours:

  • Check website for event times, dates and locations.


  • Various locations in Atlanta

Contact Details: